Research & Publications

Sr. No. Faculty/ Student Name Title of Paper Journal Name ISBN / ISSN A.Y.
1. Smt. H. B. Kothawade Current Strategies used in Psychological Advertisement Vidyawarta Jan, 2019 2319 9318 2018-19
2 Smt. V.S. Kshirsagar Psychology and other disciplines: Psychology and current issues Vidyawarta Feb, 2019 2319 9318 2018-19
3 Smt. V. S. Kshirsagar Goods and Services Tax : Concepts, Challenges And Difficulties Research Journey Feb, 2018 2348 7143 2017-18
4 Smt. C. K. Labhade Advantages And Disadvantages of Goods and Services Tax (GST) Research Journey Feb, 2018 2348 7143 2017-18
5 Smt. C. K. Labhade Need For Goods And Services Tax (GST) in India Printing Area Dec, 2017 2394 5303 2017-18