• All the bonafied Students of this College are entitled to use the facility of the Arts & Commerce College Makhmalabad library.
  • Students are entitled to borrow One/Two books at a time.
  • Students shall return the books within 7 days & if necessary can renew for only one more week.
  • A student who fails to return the books on or before the date fixed ,shall be liable to pay a fine of R.5 Per day.
  • Students borrowing the books should maintain the proper condition of book in which it is issued by the library staff.
  • Any book damaged ,Spoiled or Pages torned by a Student will be liable to pay the one & half times the value of the book or the amount as fixed by Principal /Librarian.
  • The College reserves every authority to demand the return of books at any time from the students as & when needed.
  • Students entering the library must produce the College Identity card as and when demanded .Possession of Student Identity Card is compulsory to avail the library facilities by Students.
  • Strict silence must be maintained in the Library & Reading Room.
  • Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the library premises only against I-Cards ,& not allow for home lending.