The Counseling Service in the Counseling Center is the primary campus provider of free and confidential therapy to help college students manage personal, social, and academic challenges. Staffed primarily by licensed psychologists, the Counseling Service also conducts campus outreach presentations, provides emergency response services, and assists with referrals to off-campus mental health providers. The mission of student Health and Counseling Services is to enhance the physical and mental health of students in order to help them achieve academic success, personal development and lifelong wellness by providing an integrated program of quality, accessible, cost sensitive and confidential healthcare services, tailored to their unique and diverse needs and to assist the University community, through consultation and education, to develop a healthy campus environment consistent .
There is an imminent need for college counselling services in the following areas:
- Academic success: The college counselors can help the students to identify their highest potential and help them in get rid of obstacles to academic success, if any.
- Career and vocational guidance: College counsellors can help by providing information on the various career and vocational options available and can guide the students in choosing the right career based on suitable aptitude tests.
- Personal and Social development: The college counselor helps to identify talents of the students and helps to nurture communication and interpersonal skills of the students.
- Resolving psychosocial problems: Stress, loneliness, bullying, ragging, peer adjustments, parental and teacher pressure are some of the possible psychosocial problems of students which can be resolved by a college counsellor.
- Counselling for the parents: A very important revelation is that the parents also need to be counselled. The student counsellor may provide counselling to the parents on the Issues like:
- The necessity to accept the child as he is with his strengths and weaknesses.
- The ill effects of undue pressure and stress on the child to excel academically.
- The interests and aptitude of the child and his suitability and choice of career.
- The psychosocial problems of the child, if any and the coping Removing the stigma attached to counselling.
- Counselling for the teachers and the college staff: At time, the teachers and the college staff also need counselling to deal effectively with the huge number of students coming from diverse backgrounds and holding unique individualities. Some of them may have some special needs which need to be addressed differently with specific techniques.
Sr. No | Name of Counsler | Year | Contact No |
1. | Prof. Nalini Bagul Prof. Sonali Katware | 2016-17 | 8999387318 9637947358 |
2. | Prof. Nalini Bagul Prof. Sonali Katware | 2017-18 | 8999387318 9637947358 |
3. | Prof. Nalini Bagul Prof. Sonali Katware | 2018-19 | 8999387318 9637947358 |
4. | Prof. Sarika Daund Prof. Sonali Katware | 2019-20 | 9689369655 9637947358 |
5. | Prof. Sarika Daund Prof. Sonali Katware | 2020-21 | 9689369655 9637947358 |
6. | Prof. Sarika Daund Prof. B. N. Wagh | 2021-22 | 9689369655 9527042030 |
7. | Prof. Sarika Daund Prof. B. N. Wagh | 2022-23 | 9689369655 9527042030 |
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