Welcome to Department of Commerce
Commerce education is business education. Commerce education is that area of education which develops the required knowledge, skills and attitudes for the handling the trade, commerce and industry. The recent commerce education has emerged in the form of Chartered Accountant (C.A), Cost and Works Accountant (I.C.W.A.), Company Secretary (C.S.), Tax Consultant, Financial advisor and Business administrator. Commerce education is a totally different from other disciplines. To meet the growing need of the business society, there is greater demand for sound development of commerce education. The relevance of commerce education has become more imperative, this means a marked change in the way commerce and management education is perceived in India. Through teaching, research and service. Commerce education is the area of education which develops the required knowledge, attitudes and skills for successful heading of trade commerce and industry.
Objectives Of Department:
- To provide the knowledge of Business Administration, Marketing Management, Accounting and Taxation.
- To encourage the students for self employment.
- To develop new skills equipped youth to build the responsible citizen for healthy Nation.
- To emphasis on practical learning, project visits and face-to-face visits along with education.
- To achieve excellence in Teaching, Training and Research in the areas of Commerce and to provide commercial input to the students to enable them to understand the complexities of modern industrial society and to deal with social issues.
Scope and Importance –
Department of Commerce encourages students for generating employment opportunities, preparing for leadership, practicing Accounting & Taxation knowledge & its implementation in the field of business.
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