Department Profile

Departmental Profile
1. Name of the Department: Marathi
2.Year of Establishment: July 2008

3.Names of Programmes / Courses offered :(UG : BA B.&Com.)

UG Course




CBCS Pattern :

–         Skill Enrichment Courses Credit Subject (As par Related D.S.E. Subject)

–         Modern Indians Language (Marathi) [M.I.L. Credit Course] 



– CBCS Pattern

FY.B.Com. (Optional Marathi)

4.Names of Interdisciplinary courses and the departments/units involved:Nil


5. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system (Programme wise)


UG: BA B.Com

SemesterSemesterCredit System
UG : B.A.UG: B.Com.C.B.C.S.  Credit Pattern

6.Participation of the department in the courses offered by other

Departments: Commerce (F.Y.B.Com.)

7. Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions: Nil

8.Details of courses/ Programmes discontinued (if any) with reasons: Nil

9. Number of teaching posts:

Teaching PostSanctionedFilled
Assistant Professor0202*

*Out of Total filled post: 01 Full Time Approval Post of Assistant Professor& 01 CHB non-Grant Post of Assistant Professor

10. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization:

Sr. No.Name of FacultyQualificationDesignationSpecializationNo. of Years of Experience

No. of M.Phil.




1)     S. R. SumbheM.A., NETHOD & Assistant ProfessorMarathi Literature17.3 Years
2)     Dr. P. S. TaydeM.A., B.ed., M.Phil. NET-JRF, SET & Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorComparative Literature10.7 Years

11.Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled (Programme wise) by temporary faculty:

ProgrammeTotal workload of departmentTotal workload of permanent facultyLectures delivered by temporary facultyPractical classes handled by temporary faculty


UG: BA B.Com


12. Student -Teacher Ratio (Programme wise):

LevelClassNumber of teachersStudent:Teacher Ratio


BA & B.Com

B.A. Students Strength (FY+SY+TY)/6

(120+18+5)= 143/6 =24


B.Com. Students Strength (FY)/6

120/6 =19

 13. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled: Centralized Support: Nil
14. Qualifications of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt/ Ph.D/ MPhil / PG.: Total Faculty 02
Qualifications of teaching faculty
Ph.D.M. Phil.PG with SLET/NETPG

Note: M.Phil./Ph.D. degree holders have also cleared NET/SLET

15. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received: Nil

16. Departmental projects funded by DST – FIST; UGC, DBT, & total grants received: Nil

17. Research Centre /facility recognized by the University:Nil

18. Publications: (Faculty)

Name of the Faculty

Research Papers

Total PublicationBooksEdited Book
S. S. Kshirsagar
Dr. D. B. Weljali
L. A. Sonawane
Smt A.B. Borade
S. R. Sumbhe020204
Dr. P. S. Tayde02020101

19. Areas of consultancy and income generated:NIL

20. Faculty as members in a) National Committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards. :Nil

21. Student projects:

a)Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/ Programme: Nil

b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution Research laboratories/Industry/ other agencies: Nil

22. Awards / Recognition received by faculty and students: Nil

  • University Rank Holder Students: Nil
  • Corpus Fund (Toppers Scheme) of College: Nil

23. List of eminent academicians and scientists/visitors to the department:

Sr. No.Name of the Faculty





1)   Shri. Javed ShaikhFamous Marathi PoetCultural Programme (2022)
2)   Dr Kailas SaladeFamous Marathi PoetMarathi Bhasha Din(Feb.2021)
3)   Shri. SwapnilDumbareFamous Marathi PoetCultural Programme (2020)
4)   Shri. Vishnu ThoreFamous Marathi PoetCultural Programme (2019)
5)   Shri. Sandeep JagtapFamous Marathi PoetCultural Programme (2018)



Famous Marathi PoetLiterary  & Cultural Programme (2017)


24. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding:

Title of Seminars/ Conferences/WorkshopsFunding AgencyYearSanctioned Amount
Two Days state Level Seminar on ‘Present Scenario of Translations in Languages and Literature’BCUD SPPU Pune2017Rs.100000/-

25. Student profile programme/course wise:

Name of the Course/programme



UG: BA & B.Com.  2020-21FM
FY B.Com.1201204575

*M = Male *F = Female, *RA= Result Awaited

26. Diversity of Students:

Name of the


% of students from the same state% of students from other States% of students from abroad

27.How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.?



28. Student Progression:

Student progressionAgainst % enrolled
UG to PG25 %
PG to M.Phil.
PG to Ph.D.
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral
Campus Selection
Other than Campus Recruitment

29. Details of Infrastructural facilities:

a) Library:

No. of Books:673

No of Journals: 04

b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students:01 Nodes
c) Class rooms with ICT facility01 Classroom (Common )
d) Laboratories:

30.Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, Government or other agencies:

Scholarships received by students under different schemes by Government.

  • Research Fellowship
  • Scholarships received by students under different schemes by SPPU, Pune.

31. Details on student enrichment Programmed (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts:

YearTitle/Type of ProgrammeNames of Resource Person(s)  (External)
2021-22Literary AssociationProf. Javed Shaikh (Famous Poet)
2021-22Marathi Bhasha DivasDrBalasahebDevikar (Famous Writer)
2020-21Marathi Bhasha DivasDr Kailas Salade (Famous Poet)
  • Seminar / workshop organized: Yes

Two Days State Level Seminar on the topic ‘Present Scenario of Translations in Languages and Literature’ (2017) Funding Agency BCUD SPPU Pune

32.Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning:

§  Group Discussion  §  e-books
§  Lecture method  §  Providing course material
§  PPT Presentation  §  Seminar
§  Classroom discussion & oral  §  Assignments

Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities:

  • MVP Karandak, National Level Elocution Competition
  • Marathi Bhasha Pandharwada and Vachan Prerana Din
  • Mahatma Gandhi Vichar Sanskar Examination.

SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans:


  • Most of the faculty is involved in various curricular and extra-curricular activities of the college and universities which enables us to know our students better and help them develop their personalities.
  • Faculty members are well qualified and research oriented.


  • Lack of comparative approach to literature among the students.
  • Lack of research culture among the students


  • Most of the Students have opportunity to achieve higher education.
  • Training for Proof Reading, Translation&Journalism
  • Making Literary Criticism and Writing Reviews.
  • Promotion of Marathi language in various Subjects.


  • To promote and enhance the scope of Marathi in the Competitive Global Environment.
  • To enhance Interdisciplinary study between Literature and other discipline.

Future Plans:

  • To start career oriented Certificated course in Proof Reading, Editing & Translation.
  • To develop Department of Marathi in the context of its literature, culture and people’s life.